"ASHBOLT" Weimaraners

Clear Carrier Affected explained.

The chart shows potential outcomes of breeding with DNA results from Clear, Carrier and Affected parents.

Clear : This finding indicates that the gene is not present in the dog.
Therefore, when used for breeding, a clear dog will not pass on the disease/trait to offspring.

Carrier :  This finding indicates that one of the disease/trait gene is present.
The dog will not exhibit any symptoms of the disease and will not have medical problems as a result. If used for breeding, even to a dog with 'clear' status, theoredically 50% of the offspring will be 'carriers'.

Affected :  This finding indicates two copies of the disease/trait in the dog.
The dog will be medically affected and show signs of the disease or trait.
Breeding with 'affected' dogs is not recommended. 

* * *

It's always best to breed 'clear' to 'clear'. 
If followed by all Breeders it will ensure a reduction in the frequency of the unwanted disease/trait in future generations. However, to retain a larger gene pool 'carriers' may be used in breeding programs provided they are bred with 'clear' partners.

Note : By using 'carriers' even to clear partners potentially 50% of the offspring will also be 'carriers'. Over time the disease/trait may be passed on for many generations through 'carriers' making 'clear' partners harder to find. 



Contact Details

Amanda Williamson
Springhurst, VIC, Australia
Phone : +61418711392
Email : [email protected]