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Rhyll Vienna  CD, RE


A clever, loyal and delightful companion who always wants to be with you, Maggie  has achieved great things in Obedience and Rally but has also trained for Nosework (which she loves) and tried her paw at Lure Coursing and Tricks.

Such a willing and consistent performer, and the only Pointer competing in the ACT, she gained  4 x 1st and 2 x 2nd places to qualify for her CCD and CD titles.  Although she has a nice pass at CDX level, she has been retired from the obedience ring.

2013 The ACT Companion Dog Club awarded her the Jo Ballard Trophy for the highest pointscore in CCD trials.

2014 The ACT Companion Dog Club awarded her the Cleo Trophy, presented to the dog and handler team that achieved the best results during the year in the Companion stream competitions (the highest level offered and includes CDX and UD exercises). She was placed 1st x 2, gaining both a Silver Medal and a Gold Medal.

2015 - Once again Maggie was awarded the Cleo Trophy by the ACT Companion Dog Club. She was placed 1st x 3 earning 2 x  Gold Medals (92/100 and 94/100) and a Bronze Medal. This was only the second time the trophy had been awarded twice to the same dog/handler team since its inception in 2002.


Starting Rally  in 2018, Maggie took to it like a duck to water and gained her Novice (2018), Advanced (2019) and Excellent titles (2020) with ease with all scores in the high 90s.   Rally Masters is still a work in progress - Covid and weather permitting - although more than half way, her handler needs to make fewer mistakes!

Maggie's album


Contact Details



email:  [email protected]

Canberra, ACT, Australia