Puppy Questionnaire

Livenlaugh Border Collies 

Hi potential Livenlaugh puppy owners, thank you for taking the time to complete this form. 
The following questions are to try and match you with the right pup for you. 

1. Please fill out your Name, Phone Number, Address and Email.

2. Have you owned a Border collie or any other breed of dog before?If yes, what breed were they and are they still living?

3. Do you plan to de-sex your new family member?

4. What sex are you interested in and what colour is your preference?(if you dont mind what sex or colour please say)

5. Where will the puppy be kept during the day and night?Do you plan to kennel/chain or yard your puppy while outside?


1) Do you plan to attending any training classes?
If yes, at what age will you start?
2) Which activities or competitions are you interested in?

7. Do you understand the difference between a Full(Main) Registration and a Limited Registration?

8. Please tell us a little about yourselves?

Thankyou for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire, please feel free to call me anytime if you have any questions regarding a LivenLaugh Border Collie…Having a LivenLaugh Border Collie in your life will make you LIVE N LAUGH all the time!!!!!

Your Name :
Your Email : (Valid email address required)
Your Phone :
Message Subject :
Your Message :
Verification Code :
Please type the characters from the RED box.

Contact Details

Michael Rood
Muswellbrook, NSW, Australia
Phone : +61438922051
Email : [email protected]