GSD Quick Facts


These clever dogs usually live to eight years of age, but with plenty of care and fed the right amount of nutrition, German Shepherds can live up to 15 years.

Ideal Owners

The ideal owners of German Shepherds are people who are able to be assertive and command respect from their dog - while respecting the dog back in return. These people are usually very active and enjoy the company of their dog without making a fuss or expecting lap dog behaviour.



The German Shepherd did not exist prior to 1899. The founder of the breed, Captain Max von Stephanitz, bred the dogs to work. This is still a priority with many breeders today, coupled with the need for a sound body, along with the trusted and loyal temperament that makes the German Shepherd such an ideal companion.

Breed Personality, Characteristics, and Temperament

The German Shepherd is known throughout the world for its loyalty and trustworthiness. As a working dog it is able to act as a guardian, herder, tracker, and guide. The German Shepherd should never be nervous, over aggressive or shy.

Compatibility With Other Pets

With proper introduction and discipline, German Shepherds do get on with other pets. The secret is early socialisation. It is most important that puppies be exposed to new experiences from as early as eight weeks of age.

Care Requirements

The German Shepherd does require attention. The breed is active and needs some mental stimulation, so a daily walk coupled with some thinking exercise, be it obedience training or a simple "fetch the ball" routine will greatly enhance your dog''s quality of life. Grooming on a weekly basis will suffice for Stock coat dogs, daily for long stock coat.


Contact Details

Bronwyn Hurley
Bundaberg, QLD, Australia
Phone : 0403335452
Email : [email protected]