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  Name : Begonia
Web Site :
Country : Adelaide
How you found us : Website
Comments : We are interested in getting a puppy or young female Tenterfield terrier dog or even a x with other terrier dog as a pet. We are now recently retired and I will have much time to be able to train the pup. I have trained all our 3 previous dogs and they have all lived long lives. Our last JackRussell x Tenterfield terrier live almost 17 years, died 3 years ago. I am a keen Bushwalkers and my husband and I enjoy traveling a bit. This new dog addition would also have a family Young Cavoodle, older Spoodle, older Kelpie Cross females to play with and an older male as well plus we have 5 grandchildren who love their dogs. If you can help us it would really be appreciated. Thank you Begonia Will you be having any litters in the near future or do you know of anyone who might have a dog for us as a pet?
Date : 18-May-20

  Name : Julia
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : We are getting a puppy from you and you have been a great help. Every time we ask you a question, you always give a quick response and we have gotten a lot of helpful information from you. Thank you very much!
Date : 4-Sep-15

  Name : Jude
Web Site : http://spiritrock labradors
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : Emma I have just visited your website and found it full of content and lovely photos. It has a lovely warm feeling about it. Well done.
Date : 11-Aug-15

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Contact Details

Emma Morgan
Tamworth, NSW, Australia
Phone : 0400752239
Email : [email protected]